Thursday 15 March 2012

The Uninvited - Poster

- Above I have looked at 'The Uninvited' poster. I really like this poster

- I find it so engaging with the audience, by how the whole poster is layed out, the use of black and white colouring and the main image of the person looking through the window which shows they are fearless and the eerie nature of the character, the peering in really does appear frightening

- The fact that the body language is encroaching on the audience in a threatening manner but we cannot see (what we assume is a her) face and therefore not her emotion which is scary to the audience.

- I really like the woods in the background which again as I have looked at before give the impression of isolation from society. Also portraying a typical location which is usually used during point of a horror film
- Another thing that I really find in increasing the genre and hype about the film, is the font type. The scrawling handwritten text looks child like and a classic horror font, which I feel works really well with the image and therefore adds to the tension and overall feel of the film.

- By putting the audience in the situation, you really get a sense for what the film is about and therefore this makes the audience want to go and see the rest of the film.

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