Friday 9 March 2012

Editing - Screen Grabs

Lighting Effects

Here in these two particular shots (above - David looking through the window. below - house) I have used a lighting effect which is used to light up the certain object of person in the shot and blacks out anything behind it. My group and I found that this was a good effect to use for our particular horror genre, as it is able to show Davids expression on his face as he is looking through the window, showing the audience his position in the film (stalker).

Time Stretch


When including the Paramount titles we did not want this to last overly long because of the fact that our piece is a trailer and not a two minute opening of a film. Instead of just cutting the paramount title, we also sped it up using the Time Stretch tool, shown in the screen shot above.

Additive Dissolve

In the above shot I used a transition called Additive Dissolve, this is used from one shot to another, by this i mean the shot will dissolve into the next shot as shown above. My group and I thought this was an effective transition to use as it helped make our trailer run smoother as opposed to cutting from one shot to another.

Still Image

Throughout our trailer we included still images that would flash up of different people in black and white however, mainly a young teenage girl. As these images flash up so quick, the audience will become curious as to what is being seen. These images in a way helped convey the horror genre, by the use of black and white and also the use of blood and knifes that were shown.

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