Thursday 29 March 2012

Evaluation Activity 4 - How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning annd evaluation stages?

One way in which my group decided would be an appropriate way to look at all the media technology that we had used would be to take photos of myself holding the equipment which I then uploaded onto blog.. We have also used some other forms of media which I have discussed below:

  • Above Sarah has taken a photo of myself holding the camera and tripod that we used to film our trailer.
  • We used a DV1 camera to record the action/footage within our trailer, this included a variety of shots, movements and angles displayed within our film trailer.
  • The camera that we used proved to be very reliable and managed to record much of the action in fairly high quality, which was an improvement to the camera's that we had to work with last year.
  • We used the camera mainly for the picture and the microphone for the sound however, on some of the camera movements there were not a lot of dialogue or in some shots no dialogue, only background noise. When we uploaded this footage onto adobe we did not want to amplify any particular back ground noise so we managed to edit this out by using music over the top.
  • We used a tripod to steady our shots while filming. I think this helps us achieve a professional effect and a better viewing experience for our audience.
  • During editing all three of our ancillary tasks (trailer, magazine front cover and movie poster) we used Adobe softwarre, this included Adobe Premiere Elements.
  • We used Adobe Premiere Elements to edit together our teaser trailer, this gave us the option to cut together scenes, take parts of footage out, put in effects and transitions, speed/slow down footage using timestretch and enter in inter-titles.
  • We also used Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to manipulate the images that we used on our magazine cover and poster.

Adobe Premiere Elements

 Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

  • I used Prezi as a way of uploading my powerpoints that we had created things such as, storyboard and magazine front cover analysis. I found prezi a useful way to translate my powerpoints onto my blog.

  • Blogger was the main piece of media that I have used to create my coursework and record the progress that I have made throughout the year and also in my AS year.

  •  I have used windows paint to print screen images and upload them into paint, I have then been able to cut out parts of the image such as pictures that I have found useful during my research and planning for our teaser trailer.
  • We also used youtube to find other teaser trailers and study them. We also had to create an account and upload our own videos onto this such as our teaser trailer and preliminary tasks, which meant people were also able to comment on them.

  • All of these media texts have been able to help my group and I accomplish what we have and also have given us the ability to have free range over our creative choices and where we have got our inspiration from, we would not have been able to complete our coursework efficiently without the above media products.

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