Saturday 17 March 2012

Empire Magazine - Conventions and aspects to consider

Below I have highlighted in yellow all of the conventions and aspects to consider when creating the front cover of a film magazine. These aspects will be used on the front cover of my own film magazine.

Main article
The main article is shown by stating the films title in a large font in the top left hand corner. The main image of the magazine cover should reflect the main article, for example showing the mean character in the film, so this will all reflect our film.

Use of a barcode gives an authentic look to the magazine.

Price, Month & Year
Usually in a very small font in the middle of the Empire's 'M' the date of the magazine release e.g. July 2012, the date in pounds and dollars

Quote From The Film

By using a quote from the film, it draws in the reader to want to watch the film

Extra features
Other articles which will be of interest for the reader e.g. other films being released soon.

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