Friday 23 March 2012

Final Image's For Our Poster/Magazine

  • After uploading the previous images of ideas for our magazine and film poster, My group and I werent to keen on the pictures we had taken, we didn't think that any of them would work well to represent the genre of our film. Sarh then came up with a good idea of using a print screen image from our film trailer. Below I have picked out the two images that we have chosen to use for our film magazine and poster. We thought these two images will work well in representing our genre, and would stand out to the audience. 


  •  The image above is the image we have chosen to use for our film poster. We chose this image as it shows to the audience, the location of the film, genre and actress. We have chosen to edit this image into black and white to give off a more eerie vibe to the audience and we think this will work well. We are thinking of having black writing at the top of the poster  where the poster is lighter so you would be able to see the writing, with the name of our film 'Love Hurts' and an intertitle in which we have used at some point during our trailer 'Never trust a stranger...'. We will also use red writing for the characters in our film, which will stand out against the black and white background, to represent danger and blood.

  •  The above image is the image we have chosen to use for our magazine front cover. We chose this image as it represents our genre, shows the audience who is going to be playing the stalker, and a preview look at the image which will be in our trailer. This image of David, shows that he is looking in on something or someone, which therefore should give an eerie vibe to the audience. This image will stand out on our front cover of our magazine. The image will have a lot of writing around it to make the magazine cover look 'busy'.

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