Sunday 25 March 2012

Final Front Cover of Film Magazine

 Above I have posted our final Film Magazine front cover.
  •  We used a similar technique for the image of the front cover of our magazine to what we did with the poster. We again print screened an image that was in out trailer, this was done to make our magazine front cover realistic and also because the previous image ideas we had taken weren t that good.
  • What I like about our film magazine cover and poster, is that they are both completely different to one another.
  • We used a complete different colour scheme for our film magazine cover such as, white, red, yellow and blue. All of these colours were used as they stand our big and clear to the audience and would be appropriate for a horror magazine.We thought that these colours really work against the picture creating a vivid and 'stand-out' piece.
  •  We didn't the image of David as it was already edited from using it in our trailer. This effect allowed you to see more of the facial features than the poster, which I think works well as little by little we reveal more of the characters. We used an effect on the image which is shown above, whereby effect blacks out the background and shows his face. We chose this image as it shows Davids facial expression as he is looking through the window, showing a stereotypical stalker to the audience. 
  • We used typical features of magazine covers such as: a bar code, name of the film, date of release and price of the magazine, character, and also extra's such as information about other films that are also out which share a similar genre.
  • We also used a star within the font cover which I feel really adds to the reality of the piece. This also highlights pieces of the texts which brings out interesting pieces of information such as the release date. This is a stereotypicaql feature which is included on the front of many magazine film covers.

I really like our film magazine cover and feel that it sets the tone for our films and really works. It's different to any other film magazine cover that I have seen and if we were to improve our magazine cover, I would just add some more features such as more banners with text in them and also other information on films to advertise.

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