Wednesday 28 March 2012

Evaluation Activity 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We decided that within our group the best way that we could discuss the question was to type up a  script talking about our film as we didn't have enough time to make a voice over. I feel this was a really good way in us developing each others points and giving our own opinions as to the strengths and weaknesses of our trailer and ancillary taks.

To find out as to whether all of our ancillary texts, the film poster and film magazine contributed to the overall film trailer, I needed to have an in-depth analysis, explaining choices as to why we created our products in a certain way.

(Emma (me), Sarah and Kate all introduce our film 'Love Hurts')

Emma: We are the creators of the 'Love Hurts' our romantic, horror genre film

Sarah: We have chosen to include a preview screen and an institution company logo (Paramount) to give an authentic look to our film. Paramount is our chosen institution company as from our research we saw how it has been used for many other horror films that shares a similar genre to our own. We used quick establishing shots to set up the rural location at the start of our trailer, in which rural locations sets up danger but also loneliness for the characters. Setting up a question for the audience, will the characters come across a stranger?

Kate: The three texts (teaser trailer, magazine and poster) all compliment one another. This is because they all have a common factor, each of the ancillary tasks portray each of the characters and the genre of the film. This shows to the audience what the film is about. In all three of these texts we have not given much away about the films happenings, but different conventions are used to create a scary and interesting feel about this film.

Sarah: On our poster, we have used the tagline 'Never trust a stranger' to show to the audience this film is exciting and also keeps the audience in suspense. Also on the front cover of our film magazine we used an image of David which expressed his character and the location to the audience and also complements the genre of our film. We named our film 'Love Hurts' however throughout the trailer the audience become intrigued as to why the film is called 'Love Hurts' as theres not that much action that happens which reflects the title of the film until right at the end of the trailer, whereby you see the victim character walking through the alley way and then the stalker walking behind, then a loud scream. At this point of the trailer the question is raised, so what exactly will this lead to? Again going with this ideea that we did not want to give too much away to the audience.

Emma (me): The running theme throughout our ancillary texts (film magazine and poster) and our film trailer, there is a continuum of a scenic woodland environment, which confronts to the conventions of a romantic horror film, in terms of the location and characters.

Emma (me): The three ancillary tasks compliment one another as they show to our target audience exactly what genre our film is - Romantic horror. Our trailer displays this by how the characters are portrayed throughout our trailer, the stalker always following the victim Emma and the victim seeming vulnerable around the whole situation. Our poster includes the vulnerable victim character sitting on a bench in the middle of the woods, this is made clear to the audiene that the character could meet a stranger at some point, which could possibly turn into a romance? Also the font that we have used for our poster shows our genre, also through the use of our colour scheme, black white and red, which is typical horror colours. Our magazine cover shows our genre through the image we have used which managed to portray our genre, showing the facial expression on the stalkers face and also by the audience getting a small glimpse of the location in which the character is in, rural location, stereotypical location in a horror film. Also in the same way as our poster, the colour scheme and font shows our genre too.

Overall I feel that we had successfully combined all three to look as if they were all working towards the same effect to attract our target audience and make them want to go and see the full film. The only thing that I would have liked to develop on would be the magazine cover in making the text stand out more from the background and possibly adding more information about other horror films.


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