Sunday 25 March 2012

Final Film Poster

Above I have posted our final film poster.
  • My group and I decided to use an image that was footage in our trailer, we print screened the image and then manipulated the image into black and white effect shown.
  • I think the black and white gives a great effect as seen above, as it enables to represent the horror genre. The image fits in with the enitire poster, and showing the character sitting on the bench, it seems to fade into the background but at the same time stands out to the audience. If a passer by would be induced to have a double look at the poster, at first they might not be sure what the image is, until they have to do a double take. I feel this gives the impression of the character being illusive and eerie because you cannot see the face of the character. This is a conventional image of a character/scene you may find in a horror film, the vulnerable, victim character sitting alone on a bench in the middle of the woods, pretty stereotypical.
  • We decided to use a font that manages to stand out to the reader/audience, and is used throughout the poster. I feel this gives a sense of continuity throughout the poster. The font manages to represent the horror genre and also gives the impression that the font looks like it is handwritten.
  • We have used a black, red and white colour scheme again the conventional horror colours. These colours give the impression of blood, darkness and also innocense seen through the white. These colours also help the text stand out from the image behind it, highlighting the information that the poster is giving them.
  • On the poster we have only given the vital information such as: the title of the film, the catch phrase 'never trust a stranger', 'coming soon' and also the characters in the film. We didn't want to include much else onto the poster as we didn't want to give too much away.
  • We have placed the important information at the top of the poster, as that is where the readers eyes will first look to, so we have put the characters in red to draw the audience straight in.
Overall I am really plreased with the poster, I feel it is very different from other posters so it will stand out but has all the necessary elements to make it a scary realistic horror film poster.

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