Wednesday 16 November 2011

Research and Planning - Audience Profiling - Breaking Dawn

  • This is the audience profile found for the film 'Breaking Dawn'. I have chosen to analyse this films audience profile because I thought it is a similar genre 'romance, drame' and target audience as to what my group and I are wanting to produce. I found the audience profile on the same website 'Pearl and Dean' as I have done for the other audience profiles that  I have analysed such as 'Halloween'.

  • From looking at this audience profile, I can see, that the main age group of the highest percent, that viewed this film was 15-24 (the film itself was rated 12A). I can also see that the percentage of men and women who came to see the film, was more popular with a female audience, I can assume this is because the film is a 'romance' inwhich relates to more a female audience as opposed to a male audience. Women like to have an attachment to one strong, male architype of a rescuer, that will wisk the lady away from all the bad in the world and will protect her forever. Many of the Disney classics for example, 'Snow White', 'Cinderella' are based around evil over good and many 'romance horros' these days follow a similar structure.

  •  This audience profile shows that the Romance genre (or this film inparticular) was popular with adolescent teens through to young adults. I think this is because romance films give a fantasy sense of love and relationships to a young female audience, this will appeal to a mixed female audience.

  • The narrative of the film itself, may also appeal to this female audience as the characters in the film 'Breaking Dawn' are infact young of the older end of this age group. This may give a relatable side to the film and therefore make this female age group more attracted to the film. However, this may appeal more to the younger end of this age group as they will be able to relate to the characters.

  • This particular age group would be attracted to the film 'Breaking Dawn', to see for themselves if they found the film to be romantic, as it was said to have been and see if it deserves it's popularity. The fact that the majority of audience members are female, maybe also show a feminine view of this genre. It is fairly obvious that females find the romance/fantasy of this genre more appealing than men do.

  • I will need to consider this target audience when creating my teaser trailer. By considering this I will make sure that my trailer will appeal to a similar target audience, also taking into consideration the horror genre, as my group and I have chosen to do a 'romance, horror' and I have now analysed a 'romance' audience profile and a 'horror' audience profile. To make sure that are film is targeted to the right audience, we will make sure we add references throughout to topics or phrases. My group and I are popular within this audience group, and we are especially knowledgeable in this area. 
Below I have attached the Breaking Dawn trailer;

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