Tuesday 29 November 2011

Research and Planning - Story Board

1. The 1st shot is an establishing shot to show the audience the setting of where the first few shots will be taken. The sound will be non-diegetic music that will represent the genre of the film, the type of sounds will be intro music and there will be a voiceover over the top.

2. The 2nd scene is a long shot of the two characters standing at the platform at the train station. There will no non-diegetic music and a voiceover.

3. The 3rd shot will be a medium shot of the two characters walking towards eachother and then sitting down on the seat and there will be diegetic sound. The two characters will start talking to eachother and exchange numbers.

4. In the 4th shot it will be a medium shot to show the female character walking through the woods and a zoom to show the guy character following her through the woods. The sound will be diegetic with a voiceover over the top.
5. In the 5th shot it will be an over the shoulder shot showing the vulnerable girl character getting a text from the guy she has just met at the train station. The sound will be a voiceover and non diegetic sound.

6. The 6th shot will be a medium shot of the girl character sitting on the sofa and looking out the window seeing that the guy character is outside, the door bell then rings. The sound will be non - diegetic and diegetic sound from the door bell that will ring.

7. The 7th shot is an over the shoulder shot/medium shot from different angles show the girl character open the door and finding the guy at the door, she is very confused as to how he knows where she lives but at the same time she is happy. The sound will be diegetic of the characters talking.

8. The 8th shot will be a medium shot, over the shoulder shot and a high angle shot of the guy character looking at photos of the vulnerable girl character. The sound will be a voiceover and non - diegetic music. I reckon at this scene in the movie we should have tense/dramatic music.

9. The 9th shot will be a medium shot of the girl character walking down an alley way on the phone to a friend. The sound will be digetic sound.

10. The 10th shot will be of a close up and a medium shot of the killer coming up right behind the girl and putting his hand over her mouth and face. The sound will be diegetic because of the screaming and non - diegetic for the background music.

11. The 11th shot will be of a medium shot showing the killer dragging the girl character through the alley way. The sound will be diegetic.

12. The 12th shot will be of a close up showing the girls hand moving throwing the mud, leaves. The sound will be diegetic from the movement of the hand moving/non - digeteic sound.

13. The 13th shot will be a close up shot/zoom of the phone still being connected to the friend on the phone and them shouting down the phone. The sound will be diegetic not non - diegetic.

14. The 14th shot will be a long shot of the killer walking towards his new victim. The sound will be non - diegetic from the talking of the two characters and non - diegetic music in the background.

Above i have posted pictures of our storyboard, we will reflect on this whilst filming.

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