Tuesday 29 November 2011

Research and Planning - Props

  • My group and I are starting to plan further into our research and planning, I have added some images of the types of props that we will need to prepare and bring onto different scenes. By including these props it will make our film look believable and realistic.

Flowers, represents that the guy character 'likes' the girl character and is giving them to her as a nice gesture to get her under his spell

Mobile Phone, will be used for when the girl character is on the phone to a friend before she is kidnapped and when the character recieves a text from the killer 'hope you got home ok?!!'. We have chosen to use a mobile phone as it is a stereotypical prop that is used in most horror films, usually it is used to ring for 'help'!

Picture frame, will be used for when the male character is stalking over the female character's photos around her house

  •  The props that will be used in the house (living room, dining room, outside) will already be found in the house, this is because the setting is set in the house. For example, the types of props that will be used in the house, sofa, tv, cd stereo system, cars parked outside the house, computer etc.

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