Wednesday 16 November 2011

Research and Planning - Audience Profiling - Conclusion

  •  Overall from looking at 'Breaking Dawn' and 'Halloween' audience profiles, my group and I have decided on putting the two together and creating a 'romance, horror'. We have come to the conclusion as to which type of audience would be the targeting audience for our teaser trailer, after looking at both film genres (romance and horror) and both films having a different audience to one another. 'Breaking Dawn' having a higher female percentage of 66% and 'Halloween' having a higher male percentage of 59%.
  • It is clear that the age range my group and I will be targeting is 15-24, as out of all of the films we have researched into, this was always the highest age range for this specific genre.

  • The target audience that my group and I have chosen, bearing in mind gender does not have one in particular, as for each film, the percentages for gender were close to one another however, having a higher percentage from the male audience on the film 'Halloween' and a higher percentage from the female audience on the film 'Breaking Dawn' . However as we have chosen to do 'romance horror', the narrative will be around romance and this is usually targeted towards the more female audience however, this means that anyone will watch this type of film and will therefore be targeted to both the male and female audience.

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