Tuesday 29 November 2011

Research and Planning - Costume ideas (Guy)

Below I have added costume ideas that we are thinking of using for the guy/killer character;


Black coat/jacket, represents the killer look and to cover up as much flesh to not give away who the killer may be. Also we have beared in mind that we don't want the guy to look like too much of a killer as we don't want to give it away, although it will be fairly obvious, as the guy who we see at the start of the trailer will also be the killer.

Checkered shirt, represents the guy having good fashion. My group and I have thought a lot about not having a stereotypical killer by the representation on how the killer dresses.

Black jeans, blends into the rest of the outfit. represents disquise later on in the trailer.

Black boots, represents disquise and matches in with the rest of the outfit.

Black gloves, to show that the killer is hiding their trace marks and to keep the killer dressed up in as much black as possible to not show any flesh and is a stereotypical feature of what a killer would wear.


All of the above costume ideas will be used however, they may not be the exact same but we will try and get them to look very similar. 

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