Wednesday 7 December 2011

Research and Planning - Title Choices

Here I have gathered the titles of our film that Sarah, Kate and I have brain stormed together, and have picked out some of our favourites which are highlighted below:

  • Love Hurts
  • Trust
  • Good vs Evil
  • Let the Right One In
  • Betrayed
  • I think I Like You

After spending some time on thinking about what would be the right title for our teaser trailer we have come to the conclusion that our trailer is going to be called 'Love Hurts'. We have chosen this title as we feel this represents and pretty much sums up what our film is going to be about. This title does not give the immediate effect or suggestion of a horror film, but after the images of the trailer, the audience will soon be able to notice the genre of this film, and a romance horror never starts off with uneasy tension, usually with happy feelings, and our film isn't going to be a stereotypical horror film, as you can tell.

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