Wednesday 7 December 2011

Research and Planning - Shot List

In class today my group and I decided to plan  out the shot list. Below I have written out the shots and angles that we have decided on (it may be easier to refer back to the story board when talking about each shot):

  • Approval Screen

  • Production Company

  • Shot 1: Establishing shot, with the camera on the tripod. This will be at Oxshott train station taken from the alley way opposite the station.

  • Shot 2: This is going to be a long shot of the two characters standing at the platform at the train station, both of the characters keep looking at eachother when the other is not looking.

  • Intertitle

  • Shot 3: Carrying on from the second scene, this is going to be a medium shot of the two characters walking towards eachother and then sitting down on the seat. We have taken into consideration that as the location for this scene is at a public train station there will be other people around they may be in the background.

  • Shot 4: We have decided to make this a medium shot and a zoom. However we may change the medium shot to a long shot depending which shot looks better out of the two. This shot will show the female vulnerable character walking through the woods and the guy character following her.
  • Shot 5: This shot will be an over the shoulder shot, where the camera will show the vulnerable girl character recieving a text from the guy she has just met at the train station, and zooming in showing the text, bearing in mind she has know idea that this guy has just followed her home.

  • Shot 6: This shot will be a medium shot of the girl character sitting on the sofa and looking out the window seeing that the guy character is outside, but thinks she is just seeing things, the door bel will then ring.

  • Intertitle

  • Shot 7: This is going to be an over the shoulder shot/medium shot from different angles moving with the action, showing the girl open the door and finding the guy at the door.

  • Shot 8: The 8th shot will be a medium shot, over the shoulder shot and a high angle shot of the guy character looking t photos of the vulnerable girl character.

  • Intertitle

  • Shot 9: This shot will be a medium shot of the girl character walking down an alley way near her house on the phone to a friend.

  • Shot 10: This shot will be of a close up and a medium shot of the killer coming right up behind the girl and putting his hand over her mouth and face.

  • Shot 11: The 11th shot will be of a medium shot showing the killer dragging the girl character through the alley way.

  • Intertitle

  • Shot 12: The 12th shot will be the most disturbing shot in my opinion our of the whole trailer, of a close up showing the girls hand moving throwing the mud and leaves.

  • Shot 13: This shot will be a close up shot/zoom of the phone still being connected to the friend on the phone and them shouting down the phone.

  • Shot 14: This is the final shot and it will be a long shot of the killer walking towards his new victim.

  • Title of the film 'Love Hurts'

  • Credits

  • 'Coming Soon'

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