Thursday 6 October 2011

Research and Planning - Mind Maps

Over the last few lessons, we were assigned to research further into our research and planning for our finalized film project. This included making three mind maps on you're choice of different film genres, my group and I chose the genres horror, action and romance. After creating all three different genre mind maps, we had to come to a finalized decision on which genre we are most likely to produce. This assignment has become very useful to my group and I, because before we had been set this assignment, we started to think about doing an action film this year however, we have found that by doing this assignment it has made us realize how hard it would be to produce an action film. We found it particularly hard to come up with some good ideas as to what we would include in an action film and made us realize do we really want to make an action film? However, we could think of many ideas for horror and romance. In conclusion, my group and I found this task useful and we have come to a decision as to which genre we feel will help us get the best grade possible, and help with learning how to produce a different film genre. The new genre we have chosen to produce is Romance. We are yet to decide on a finalized plot for the film however, we have managed to put ideas into a mind map which we will relate to, to help us think of a good exciting plot.
Below I have attached the three different mind maps which we created in the software 'Mind Manager'.

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