Thursday 6 October 2011

Research and Planning - Choosing Between Producing A Teaser Or A Trailer

Now my group and I have thought about the finalized genre for our film (romance), we have been assigned to think about whether we want to produce a trailer or a teaser. We have analysed many teaser and trailer films and have come to the conclusion that we would like to produce a teaser. We would like to produce a teaser because we feel that if we produced a theatrical trailer, it will take a lot longer and there is a risk that it would go on for too long and it may bore the audience, or start to look like the beginning of a film. Therefore, we have decided to produce a teaser, as we feel it will be better due to the fast paced editing, lots of shots (close ups, medium shots, long shots, establishing shots) which we hope will be able to interest and appeal to the audience.

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