Tuesday 28 February 2012


Today my group and I went to the woods to do our second lot of filming for our teaser trailer. We hadn't been able to film for a few weeks before today because we had to find a camera that was available to use and also that everyone is able to attend. We managed to do shots in the woods, of high angles and long shots. Even though most horror films happen at night, we  have filmed during the day in Oxshott woods, by setting our location in the woods we have been able to give a horror feel to the scene which is what we were hoping to do.

My group and I have found that as we are doing a teaser trailer this year as opposed to a two minute opening of a film, we need lots of shots that we are able to edit altogether as opposed to making long shots. We have found that within some shots we need only 2-5 words in a shot instead of long dialogue conversation. By making a teaser trailer, it has made my group and I realise that by going by our shot list, script and story board it is going to be fairly difficult as we didn't quite realise how many shots we are going to need need to make it a realistic teaser trailer. So far we haven't managed to stick to the story/shot list as much as we hoped however, this does not matter too much as we are making a teaser trailer that doesn't need to tell too much of a story.

Below I have added some of the location shots from todays filming;

Statue memoral - this is going to be included into our teaser trailer (locationed in the woods)

High angle shot of the woods and a long shot of the house

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