Monday 2 January 2012

Research and Planning - Characters

Emma is our hopeless victim, she was chosen for the role as she has a feminine voice and can play the role of the victim very well. She plays the stereotypical girl who becomes the target of a obsessed male, we have made sure her costume and actions represent the sterotypical role Emma will be playing. For example, Emma will become alarmed at first but then dismiss his actions, however, she will start to worry more as the trailer goes on. This is a comventional feature in a horror trailer. Simalrities to Brittany Snow who plays a young, vunerable victim lusted over by a stalker are her age and physical appearance.

Matt will be the stalker in the teaser trailer. Matt was chosen for the role as he is a A level drama student so can therefore perform a realistic and dramatic performance. He was also chosen as he fits the role of what we were looking for; the same age as Emma and looks rather unassuming. We will make sure his costume and actions represent that of normal guy who starts off as someone Emma would like but then quickly realises he is not the guy for her. We will make sure the soundtrack also plays behind many of matts scenes so that the audience pick up on the darkness of matts character.

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